San Diego Drug Crimes Lawyer

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San Diego Drug Crime Defense Attorney

Have you been accused, arrested, or charged with a drug crime in San Diego? Choosing the right San Diego drug crimes lawyer may be the difference between freedom and years of prison.

For the best criminal defense criminal lawyers in San Diego, call Lee Law Group!

San Diego courts take illicit drug offenses very seriously, and at Lee Law Group, so do we. We are devoted to providing an excellent and well-crafted defense based on facts and evidence that we thoroughly collect, research, and analyze.

If you have been charged with any drug crime in San Diego, such as drug possession, drug sales or intent to distribute or transport, drug trafficking, or a drug-related DUI, our dedicated and experienced San Diego drug crime defense attorney, legal experts at Lee Law Group will diligently fight for your rights.

Best San Diego Drug Crimes Lawyer

Common San Diego Drug Charges

In San Diego, there are many different drug charges at both the felony and misdemeanor levels.

In fact, throughout the entire state of California, drug offenses encompass a wide spectrum. The state’s existing legislation deems the use and possession of numerous substances, called controlled substances, or including un-prescribed prescription medications, criminal activities. This extensive list comprises cocaine, marijuana, crack, heroin, PCP, ecstasy, fentanyl and other opiates.

Beyond the repercussions of possessing illicit narcotics and controlled substances, individuals may face charges for the unauthorized use of prescription drugs. Moreover, if prescriptions were acquired through fraudulent means, such as theft or forgery, criminal charges are pressed against those engaged in these deceptive practices.

Facing drug-related charges is a grave matter, demanding a seasoned San Diego drug defense attorney. At Lee Law Group, we adopt a proactive stance when dealing with such criminal cases, striving to ensure the swift and optimal resolution of your case.

Lee Law Group provides effective legal representation for all levels and drug types. We will thoroughly study the facts of your case, whether you are charged with drug crimes related to ecstasy, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, or prescription drugs.

What Drug Charges Can Lee Law Group Help Clients With?

Here are some common drug charges our dedicated attorneys can assist you with.

  • Drug Possession: This crime falls under Health and Safety Code 11350, which makes it illegal to possess cocaine, heroin, crack, and prescription drugs such as Codeine or Vicodin. On the other hand, Health and Safety Code 11377 outlines criminal charges for the possession of methamphetamine. These types of charges are considered “wobblers,” which could be considered either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the severity.
  • Drug Possession Sales and Intent to Sell: Both Health and Safety Code 11351 and Health and Safety Code 11378 prohibit anyone from possessing narcotics and other illegal drugs with the intent to sell. It must also be proven that the accused knew of its presence, had knowledge that the controlled substance was illegal, possessed enough for consumption, and had the intention to sell.
  • Drug Trafficking, Drug Transportation or Distribution: It is a felony to sell, supply, administer, transport, and import narcotics and other illegal drugs into the state of California. Trafficking or distribution can be applied to transportation charges even without personal possession of the drugs.
  • Drug Manufacturing: Under Health and Safety Code 11379.6, it is a felony to convert, manufacture, derive, process, produce, and/or prepare controlled substances through chemical processes.

Drug charges may carry other charges as well, such as license suspensions if you were operating a vehicle while under the influence of illegal drugs. You could even receive federal charges, depending on the severity of your San Diego drug crimes or if you possess or transport drugs for sale across the border with Mexico.

Drug penalties in California are harsh depending on your history, your past convictions, and evidence collected during the investigations. Some cases could be considered misdemeanors or felonies based on the type of drugs and crimes involved. Maximum sentences may be up to seven years in prison or more with maximum fines of $50,000, not to mention a “strike” on your criminal record under the right circumstances.

Depending on the facts of your case, criminal history, and other factors, our San Diego criminal defense firm has the expertise and experience to potentially get your charge dismissed, reduced, or even removed from your criminal history.

San Diego Criminal Defense Process

Processes in the court system can be overwhelming and confusing, especially if you are not familiar with them. Here at Lee Law Group, we will take you through each step and explain what to expect. We will ensure that you are prepared. Understanding each process ensures that you know how to protect yourself.

Each step is important, as your life can change in the blink of an eye. Being well-prepared with a strong legal team behind you ensures that you are given the justice you deserve.

Investigation: Involves collecting relevant evidence and interviewing witnesses to piece together the events surrounding the alleged crime. You may be questioned and even be subject to a search of your property. Even at this early stage, you will benefit from the support of an experienced attorney. A legal expert can help you prepare and explain how to conduct yourself, which questions to answer, and your rights during the investigation.

Arrests and Charges: If the investigation points to your guilt, then you may be arrested. At this point, the police can conduct a search without a warrant. However, they need probable cause to charge you with the crime.

Arraignment: This is your first chance to appear in court, where you will be read your charges and explained your rights. You will have the opportunity to enter a plea, which will be either not guilty, guilty, or no contest. It is important to consult with your defense lawyer to understand the pros and cons of each plea before making any decisions.

Bail: Bail may be addressed during your arraignment or on a separate hearing. The judge may release you without bail, set bail, or deny bail.

Pretrial: During this step, your defense attorney and the prosecution will build their respective cases. They may file motions to address various legal issues, including any of your rights that were violated during the search or investigation. Your lawyer may also challenge any evidence against you.

Trial: Each side will present relevant evidence, testimony, and arguments to a judge or a jury. The prosecutor should prove your guilt beyond any reasonable doubt. You should be backed by an experienced legal team to give you a fighting chance.

Sentencing: This happens in a separate hearing, where the judge will hear recommendations from the prosecution and your defense lawyer about the appropriate sentence.

Having the support of a skilled, experienced attorney in San Diego can greatly affect your ability to obtain a favorable resolution. The dedicated criminal defense trial lawyers at Lee Law Group provide expert legal support during the whole process.

Whether you have been arrested in San Diego for a DUI crime, drug trafficking, drug paraphernalia, or other drug charges, white collar crimes, domestic battery, assault and battery, sex crimes or sexual assault, theft charges, child abuse, or other felony offenses, our aggressive San Diego criminal attorneys are ready to fight for you.

San Diego Criminal Defense Attorneys

Lee Law Group is your comprehensive San Diego criminal defense law firm that can provide you with legal support. With decades of proven results, satisfied clients, and unwavering dedication, there is no better option for you. Do not trust the half-priced lawyers you see on billboards – go with our Super Lawyers for the Best Defense!

DUI charges, violent crime charges, juvenile crimes, sex-related crimes, white collar crimes, theft, and other felony charges are no big tasks for the San Diego criminal defense lawyers at Lee Law Group. Our experience, drive, and commitment will get the best possible results for you. Get in touch with our legal experts today to get your life back on track.

Why a Plea Deal May Make Sense

A plea deal is something that someone faced with drug crime charges may be hesitant to accept. Often, they have an instinct to fight back against the charges in court. However, it’s important to be realistic about the situation you face and the evidence that the prosecution may have against you.

There are times when going to court may result in a strong possibility of conviction, no matter how well your defense is presented, if the evidence is overwhelming. In these cases, a plea deal may be a way to avoid the stiffest penalties and accept a much lighter sentence.

The prosecution has an incentive to try to offer a plea deal in many cases. One of the main reasons for this is how crowded the court system can become in some jurisdictions. Those accused of a crime have the constitutional right to a speedy trial, but that would be difficult to achieve if every single case went through a full trial. Plea deals are one of the most effective ways for the legal system to avoid becoming too bogged down.

How Could a Plea Deal Benefit Me?

The benefit of a plea deal for the accused is that it avoids the risk of a trial. Juries are impossible to predict, and even the strongest of defenses can result in an unexpected guilty verdict.

A plea deal will, in exchange for accepting guilt, offer the accused a penalty that is less than they would have likely received if convicted of the original charges. In some cases, this could mean needing to accept guilt for the original charges but receiving a lighter sentence within the guidelines for that crime. However, more often than not, the plea is to a lesser related charge. These lesser charges, however, will have a reduced penalty.

Your criminal defense lawyer is responsible for attempting to negotiate with the prosecution and trying to achieve the strongest plea offer they can, given the circumstances. This is why, depending on your circumstances, it can often be helpful to work with a lawyer who is both a strong negotiator and a skilled defender. Whether a plea deal or going to trial is the right route to take, they will be prepared to pursue your interests.

Ultimately, it will be your decision whether or not you would like to accept a plea deal, but it’s important to make sure you consider your lawyer’s counsel. They will be able to help you understand the full scope of the choices available to you, as well as the impact of your decision.

If You’re Arrested

If you are arrested, how you handle the situation could have a significant impact on your case. One of the most important things to remember if you find yourself arrested on drug crime charges is to keep calm.

There will be a time and a place for a defense to be made on your behalf, but acting out of anger during the arrest could lead to you saying or doing something that could later hurt your case. Your strongest chance of avoiding extra trouble is to keep your composure and allow the legal process to unfold.

It’s also critical that you make use of your right to remain silent, as well as your right to legal representation. The officers involved in the arrest and investigators are trained to recognize things you say that could be incriminating, and they may attempt to make you admit to being guilty.

In some cases, they may even try to get you to slip up and say something you shouldn’t. Even small talk could be a tactic to try to make you let your guard down. The wisest decision you can make is to say nothing until you have a lawyer present and to ask to see your lawyer as soon as possible.


What Is Important to Consider When Deciding on a San Diego Drug Crimes Lawyer?

When deciding on a San Diego drug crimes lawyer, it is important that you find someone with whom you are comfortable representing you before the court. This usually means finding someone who is knowledgeable and experienced. However, beyond those qualities, you should be sure that you find someone you trust. You are giving them a significant responsibility, and it’s absolutely critical that you feel they are being honest and straightforward with you.

Is It Possible to Get Drug Crimes Dismissed?

It is possible to get drug crimes dismissed in some cases, but it’s important to remember that this is not a common outcome. However, there are certain circumstances when a judge may dismiss a case, or the prosecutor may choose to withdraw charges. One of the more common ways this can happen is if your constitutional rights are violated. For instance, if you’re subject to an unlawful search, this could result in the evidence obtained in that search not being admissible in court.

Does a Drug Crime Conviction Result in a Criminal Record?

A drug crime conviction will result in a criminal record. This record would appear on background checks. Often, the impact of a criminal record could make certain kinds of employment more difficult to obtain, prevent admission to some educational opportunities, disqualify you from some professional licenses, and even impact your ability to get a loan or credit.

To give yourself the strongest chance of reducing the potential impact a criminal conviction could have on your life, it’s imperative that you work with a talented lawyer.

Can I Receive Jail Time for a First-Time Drug Offense in California?

In California, you may receive jail time for a first-time drug offense in some cases. Because drug crimes are a broad category of laws, there’s no uniform answer as to whether or not a first-time offender will go to jail. However, the possibility of avoiding jail is better for a first-time misdemeanor offender, whereas someone found guilty of a felony drug crime is likely to receive a prison sentence of some duration.

Facing an arrest and drug-related charges in California is an immensely stressful experience, laden with concerns that extend beyond the prospect of incarceration. It’s not just your freedom at stake but also your capacity to sustain your livelihood and support your family.

As your dedicated San Diego criminal defense attorneys, Lee Law Group provides comprehensive legal support. We will be supporting you through each step of the process. Our experts will provide support, advice, and aggressive negotiation and courtroom skills if your case advances.

Let’s Talk Now- Free Consultation

If you or someone you care about is confronted with drug charges, don’t delay. Entrust our dedicated team to champion your cause. We possess the experience and competence to navigate the legal landscape and adeptly negotiate for the most favorable resolution. The time has come to take the right step – reach out to Lee Law Group for a FREE consultation today.

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